Today, Corporate America for the most part has produced vast amounts of wounded people. Not only are the laid off folks wounded...but the ones left behind are wounded as well. Presidents and CEOs are hiding in their offices afraid to face anyone for fear of being confronted about past, current and future decisions. The still-employed are scarred from Business Administration Assignment Help watching peers being laid off one by one and escorted out to their cars...and not knowing for sure what their personal future is. And lastly, there are ones who got the axe. These folks of all ages and all ranks whether by lotto, salary level, or political reasons were sent experience equal in intensity to winning the lottery. Not as pleasant...but just as unbelievable. Who is going to help all of these people? The corporate gurus cannot...nor can the traditional methods of "outplacement services". This cataclysmic state I believe came about for a reason. The reason being to bring morals and age old principles back to mainstream business. In earlier times, people created a business knowing that the people it employed were friends and neighbors who needed to be treated fairly, compensated fairly and that the success of the company was critical to the success of the community. 

Owners were held accountable for their actions by the community within they lived. This prototype kept owners honest...for bad behavior elicited public scorn for nothing could be hidden or done anonymously. Today, corporate heads are not accountable to a community nor are they for the most part in touch with the fact that there are real people not just bodies working for them. Hence, they make decisions based on political maneuverings, ego, and just plain pure greed. So, who can teach the Presidents and CEOs how to rally the troops and set their companies on a new course? Who can teach the walking wounded that are still working to forget about yesterday and move forward working with their leaders to once again bring their company back to financial health? Who can give the unemployed what they really need to reinvent themselves and go out and find a new path? Who you ask?? The metaphysical community! Only the metaphysical community can work with each of these groups developing unique combinations of all of the available disciplines.

 Currently, many forward thinking companies are warming up to this idea. The process is a system whereby "special consultants" are hired to work with the unique situation that exists at each company. The process begins with a review of all levels of company employees. It continues with a personal consultation with the senior executive(s). The consultants then develop action plans for employees at all levels employing various metaphysical disciplines and modalities in the forms of workshops or one-on-one sessions. Follow up coaching is performed with both middle and senior management to support the shift. These workshops and consultations are not blatantly metaphysical...but a comfortable combination of movement, breath work, and motivational concepts. Sherry Healy* has successfully performed this type of consulting for both local government and corporate clients in the Baltimore area.


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